Wednesday, January 4, 2012


I've found that as technology changes, what constitutes the "perfect" desk changes, too. Back in the Stone Age of technology this was my desk:

This picture was taken after I upgraded to a flat screen monitor - there was no room to even write a check on this desk with a CRT. The tower, printer, and assorted cables under the desk was really getting to me!

So Desk #1 became the kitchen table and was replaced by this one from Ballard Designs:

The desk had a compartment to hide the tower and all the "junk" was moved to a stool in the corner. This sort of worked for awhile. But the way the furniture needed to be arranged meant that there was no room for an end table next to the sofa and when I had company using the sofa bed, the coffee table had to be moved to the hall so that the whole place looked like a mess when I had overnight guests. And once I bought an iMac, I no longer needed the tower compartment. Desk #2 was given to a former co-worker along with its chair which really wasn't comfortable for long periods of time.

Scan Design isn't a place I normally shop but, in desperation, I went in there and found the perfect desk components - actually a return and a printer cabinet that fits under it. The cabinet has a top shelf that's perfect for hiding all the junk. And it allowed me to go back to my original furniture arrangement:

I know technology keeps changing but I can't envision ever needing to replace this!

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